the team

We will be glad to share the practice with you. Coming from different schools and backgrounds we now can offer you a range of different classes. 



Hatha Yoga | Yoga for Sports

Born in Oct 1977, Alcoy, Spain.

Grown up inside a vegetarian family and in a context promoting self awareness. With 16 years I started doing Yoga, and soon my masters coached me to become a Yoga teacher. For many years I was practicing regularly yoga and giving classes in Spain. During the past years I developed my own interests inside the Yoga discipline but mainly, I discovered other disciplines and I apply Yoga on them.



Mindfulness Yoga | Meditation

Born in Feb 1977, Trins, Austria.

During my studies of biology in Innsbruck  I started doing Hatha Yoga and got very interested in the philosphy and meditative part of the exercises. After organizing hiking and meditation weeks for some years and spending time with very inspiring teachers I did the Yoga Mindflullness teacher course in Stockholm in 2014. 


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